2021-2025 lithium iron phosphate price trend report


2021-2025 lithium iron phosphate price trend report

Looking back at the price of lithium iron phosphate over the past decade, there have been several periods of large volatility, some caused by supply and demand mismatches, while others have been driven mainly by booms and busts in raw materials.

Since 2020, lithium iron phosphate has experienced a significant increase, from about 30,000 / ton to 50,000 / ton in the first quarter of 2021, which is quite rare.The rise in raw materials and the imbalance between supply and demand have all contributed to the strong rise in prices.

Violent price fluctuations of lithium iron cause trouble to enterprises, and also bring uncertainty to production and operation. It is necessary to make some forward-looking forecast on the price trend of lithium iron phosphate in the next few years.

Price fluctuations are a form of product supply and demand relationship, to do research on the price trend of lithium iron phosphate materials, it is necessary to understand the future demand for lithium iron batteries, as well as the supply pattern of lithium iron materials.

From the point of view of demand: iron lithium battery and three battery debate is still continuing, the key factor to determine the final share still falls on the cost above, through the cost analysis between different batteries in the next few years, we can judge the demand fluctuation curve of iron lithium battery.

In lithium iron material supply: xin tree fern information long-term tracking of lithium iron phosphate industry chain, the main business of the production planning, technical route and cost information reserves sufficient, can hold 2021-2025 lithium iron capacity on the node, judge lithium iron material excess "nodes" and the shortage of "nodes", strategic planning to provide power for the enterprise.

This article is suitable for enterprise executives who plan to expand lithium iron phosphate materials and lithium iron phosphate batteries to read, and has reference significance for clarifying the whole industrial chain of raw materials, materials, batteries and recycling in the lithium iron industry. Welcome to order and read it.


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