Household photovoltaic + high electricity price, household energy storage has become a new track?


Household energy storage track is "long slope thick snow"?


The consensus in the industry is that this is the first year of the energy storage market. The current growth of energy storage in households is proving this claim. So how long will the household energy storagemarket's  "slope "be in the long run?


From the perspective of residential use cost, household energy storage and household photovoltaic matching is more economical. In the past two years, household photovoltaic permeability has greatly increased. According to Infolink, the U.S. and Germany are expected to increase their household PV penetration from 3.3% and 11.1% to 6.6% and 21.5% by 2025. At the same time, the penetration rate of integrated optical storage in the United States and Germany is also improving, which will increase from 0.25% and 2.39% in 2020 to 1.24% and 10.02% in 2025, with an increase rate of 4.96 times and 4.19 times respectively

The improvement of light storage permeability will bring certain development space for household energy storage. With the increase of electric vehicles and other electrical equipment, the per capita electricity consumption of residents will also increase, thus promoting the improvement of the power of a single optical storage system, bringing greater room for industry growth

At present, the global incremental market for household energy storage is mainly concentrated in Europe and the United States, represented by Germany and the United States. Its growth is driven by policy support, the increase of installed household PV and energy storage penetration. Data from HIS Markit shows that in 2020, the world's household energy storage is mainly concentrated in Europe, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, Japan, Australia, the United States, etc., among which the total energy storage of households in Germany, the United States, Japan and Australia accounts for 74.8%.


About Residential energy storage


Residential energy storage, also known as household energy storage system, is similar to micro-energy storage power station, and its operation is not affected by urban power supply pressure. During off-peak times, the battery pack in the household storage can be self-charged for use during peak times or power outages.

Household energy storage adopts the integrated micro-grid design idea, which can operate in off-grid and on-grid dual modes, and realize seamless switching of operation modes, greatly improving the reliability of power supply. In addition, the flexible and efficient management system for household energy storage can adjust operation strategies according to the power grid, load, energy storage and electricity price, so as to optimize system operation and maximize user benefits.

Overall, residential energy storage is beautiful, easy to install, equipped with long-life lithium-ion batteries cell, and combined with PV, can provide electricity demand for homes, utilities, small factories, and more. According to different coupling methods and whether they are incorporated into the power grid, household energy storage can be divided into four types: hybrid household photovoltaic + energy storage system, coupled household photovoltaic + energy storage system, off-grid household photovoltaic + energy storage system, and photovoltaic energy storage energy management system.

It is worth noting that household energy storage can realize the integrated design of household appliances to provide electricity demand for smart homes. Industry insiders believe that household energy storage is expected to become an important strategic home appliance product in the world. China's energy storage battery and inverter enterprises have outstanding products, cost reduction, channels and other capabilities to respond to this industry trend. It is expected that the industry will maintain a high growth rate until 2025, with high electricity price and low permeability as the core driving force.

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